Urs Wenger
Invited Seminars and Talks
Classically perfect gradient flows
Zurich gradient flow workshop, University of Zurich, Switzerland, February 2025.
Advances in lattice applications for the next generation of QCD ensembles
PASC kick-off meeting, CSCS Zurich, Switzerland, January 2025.
Nested sampling for gauge theories
NGT Algorithm workshop, CERN Geneva, Switzerland, December 2024.
Update on the hadronic vacuum polarization from the ETMC
Seventh Plenary Workshop of the Muon g-2 Theory Initiative, KEK Tsukuba, Japan, September 2024.
Unfreezing topology with nested sampling
41th International Symposium on Lattice Field Teory, Liverpool, UK, July/August 2024.
Machine learning renormalization group actions
41th International Symposium on Lattice Field Teory, Liverpool, UK, July/August 2024.
Workshop on Machine Learning and Renormalization Group, ECT* Trento, Italy, May 2024.
Machine learning a fixed point action with convolutional neural networks
Theoretisch-Physikalisches Institutsseminar, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany, May 2024.
INFN seminar, Università di Roma (Tor Vergata), Italy, February 2024.
40th International Symposium on Lattice Field Teory, Fermilab Chicago (IL), USA, July 2023.
Workshop on Machine Learning in Lattice Field Theories and beyond, ECT* Trento, Italy, June 2023.
Temporal factorization of the Wilson fermion determinant and multi-level integration
Algorithms23 workshop on recent progress in algorithms for lattice field theory, Edinburgh, UK, April 2023.
Numerical Challenges in Lattice QCD, Meinerzhagen, Germany, August 2022.
Selected results on the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon from ETMC
- Workshop and Festcolloquium on Precision physics from the lattice and the continuum limit, Berlin, Germany, March 2023.
Heavy-dense QCD at fixed baryon number without a sign problem
The 8th International Workshop on the Sign Problem in QCD and Beyond (SIGN 22), Tel Aviv, Israel, September 2022.
Transfer matrices and temporal factorization of the Wilson fermion determinant
- 39th International Symposium on Lattice Field Teory, Bonn, Germany, August 2022.
Canonical formulation of fermionic quantum field theories on the lattice
- Theoretical Physics Seminar, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Teams@SINP, Calcutta, December 2021.
Pion-pole contribution to hadronic light-by-light scattering in the muon g-2 from lattice QCD
- Conference on Multiscale Physical and Biological Systems, Zoom@CaSToRC, Cyprus, November 2021.
Heavy-dense QCD at fixed baryon number without a sign problem
- 38th International Symposium on Lattice Field Teory, Zoom/Gather@MIT, USA, July 2021.
Wie viel wiegt ein Proton? Und wie schwer ist das Universum?
Canonical formulation of fermionic quantum field theories
- SIGN workshop, CP3, Odense, Denmark, September 2019.
The Schwinger model in the canonical formulation
- 17th International Conference on QCD in Extreme Conditions (XQCD 2019), Tokyo, Japan, June 2019.
The Hubbard model in the canonical formulation
- 37th International Symposium on Lattice Field Teory, Wuhan, China, June 2019.
Supersymmetric field theories on the lattice - avoiding the sign problem in the canonical formulation
- High Energy Seminar, University of Southampton, UK, May 2019.
Wie viel wiegt ein Proton? Und wie schwer ist das Universum?
Lattice QCD computations for low energy particle physics
- Strategic Workshop in Switzerland (SWICH), Centre Loewenberg, Muntelier, April 2018.
Solution of the sign problem in the Potts model at fixed fermion number
- International Workshop on the Sign Problem in QCD and Beyond (SIGN 18), Bielefeld, Germany, September 2018.
- Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Graduate seminar, Germany, December 2017.
Supersymmetric SU(N) Yang-Mills QM - Canonical simulations at fixed fermion number
- ICTS Bangalore, Nonperturbative and Numerical Approaches to Quantum Gravity, String Theory and Holography, India, January/February 2018.
Review of lattice results for low-energy particle physics
- Austrian Academy of Sciences, Plenary talk at the International Conference on Exotic Atoms and Related Topics (EXA2017), Vienna, Austria, September 2017.
Canonical simulations of heavy-dense QCD without a sign problem
- University of Pisa, 15th International Workshop on QCD in Extreme Conditions (XQCD 2017), Italy, June 2017.
Solution of the sign problem in the Potts model at fixed baryon number
- 35th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Granada, Spain, June 2017.
Gauge theories at finite fermion density: avoiding the sign problem in the canonical formulation
- Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Quantum Theory seminar, Germany, June 2017.
The sign problem in supersymmetric field theories on the lattice
- International Workshop on the Sign Problem in QCD and Beyond (SIGN 17), Seattle, USA, March 2017.
From QCD to supersymmetry, and back again
- Oxford University, Mini-workshop 'Frontiers of lattice field theories', UK, November 2016.
From QCD to spin models - The scientific legacy of Peter Hasenfratz
- Plenary talk at the XXXIV International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, University of Southampton, UK, July 2016.
Canonical simulations of supersymmetric SU(N) Yang-Mills quantum mechanics
- Kobe International Conference Center, XXXIII International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Kobe, Japan, July 2015.
Challenges and prospects for Lattice QCD
- Jagellonian University Krakow, Konwersatorium Fizyki Teoretycznej, Physics Colloquium, Poland, May 2015.
Wie viel wiegt ein Proton?
- University of Bern, Review lecture for Habitilitation requirements, Bern, March 2015.
Loop formulation of supersymmetric Yang-Mills quantum mechanics
- Columbia University, The XXXII International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, New York, USA, June 2014.
Spontaneous supersymmetry breaking on the lattice
- Jagellonian University Krakow, Theory Seminar, Poland, May 2015.
- University of Oxford, Department of Physics, Particles and Fields seminar, UK, November 2013.
- Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, ITP lattice seminar, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, June 2013.
- Invited talk at the Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Jena, Germany, February 2013.
- Workshop on Strongly-Interacting Field Theories (SIFT 12), Jena, Germany, November/December 2012.
Non-perturbative properties of the Standard Model and beyond
- Plenary meeting of the Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics, Bern, November 2012.
Spontaneous supersymmetry breaking and the sign problem
- International Workshop on the Sign Problem in QCD and Beyond (SIGN 12), Regensburg, Germany, September 2012.
Simulating Wilson fermions without critical slowing down
- 7. International Workshop on Lattice QCD and Numerical Analysis (QCDNA VII), CSSM Adelaide, Australia, July 2012.
Spontaneous supersymmetry breaking in the 2d N=1 Wess-Zumino model
- The XXX International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Cairns, Australia, July 2012.
Supersymmetry on the lattice: from supersymmetric quantum mechanics to the N=1 Wess-Zumino model
- SFB TR55 meeting, Regensburg, Germany, March 2012.
Supersymmetry on the lattice with Wilson fermions
- ECT* Trento, Workshop on Chiral dynamics with Wilson fermions, Italy, October 2011.
Loop formulation of supersymmetric models on the lattice
- Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Physik, Germany, May 2011.
- CERN Theory Institute (LGT10), Switzerland, August 2010.
Challenges for non-perturbative calculations in QCD on the lattice
- Virtual Institute of Physics, Tbilisi State University, Georgia, May 2010.
On the relevance of the sign problem in supersymmetric models
- Sejong University Seoul, 7. Workshop on QCD in Extreme Conditions (XQCD 2009), South Korea, August 2009.
Wilson Fermions without critical slowing down
- Beijing University, The XXVII International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, China, July 2009.
Solution of a sign problem by explicit bosonisation
- ECT* Trento, Workshop on Sign Problems and Complex Actions, Italy, March 2009.
Wilson fermions, vertex models and the solution of a sign problem
- Trinity College Dublin, School of Mathematics, Theory Seminar, Ireland, February 2009.
The phase diagram of QCD at finite isospin density
- Universität Bonn, Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik, Theory Seminar, Germany, January 2009.
- Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, International Workshop on Frontier Problems in Strong Interactions Physics, India, January 2009.
From fermions to loop and dimer models
- Universität Regensburg, 5. International Workshop on Numerical Analysis and Lattice QCD (QCDNA 2008), Germany, September 2008.
- North Carolina State University, 6. Workshop on QCD in Extreme Conditions (XQCD 2008), USA, July 2008.
- Universität Leipzig, 18. International Workshop on Lattice Field Theory and Statistical Physics (LEILAT08), Germany, June 2008.
Baryonic matter in the lattice Gross-Neveu model
- Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Delta 2007, Germany, December 2007.
- Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - DESY Zeuthen, Joint Tuesday Seminars, Germany, April 2007.
- University of Edinburgh, School of Physics, Theory Seminar, UK, December
- CERN Geneva, Informal Lattice Seminar, Switzerland, October 2006.
- ECT* Trento, Workshop on New Directions in Nonperturbative QCD, Italy,
March 2006.
Lattice QCD with finite baryon and isospin density
- MIT Boston, Informal Lattice Seminar, USA, April 2007.
Lattice QCD with two light Wilson twisted mass fermions
- University of Bern, Theory seminar, March 2007.
The canonical approach to finite density QCD
- Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen
Gesellschaft, Heidelberg, Germany, March 2007.
Introduction to lattice QCD algorithms
- DESY Zeuthen, International workshop on Lattice Practices (LAP06), Germany, November 2006.
Chiral Fermions on the Lattice: A Flatlander's Ascent into Five Dimensions
- Jefferson Lab, Newport News, 3rd Topical Workshop on
Lattice Hadron Physics (LHP06), USA, August 2006.
- University of Turin, Turin meeting on Lattice Gauge Theories,
Statistical Mechanics and Integrable Models, Italy, December 2005.
- DESY Zeuthen, X International Workshop on Advanced Computing and
Analysis Techniques in Physics Research (ACAT 2005), Germany, May 2005.
On the connection between overlap and domain wall fermions
- University of Edinburgh, EPCC, UKQCD-Columbia-RBRC
Inter-collaboration symposium on the physics programme for QCDOC, UK, December
Glueballs and k-strings in SU(N) gauge theories
- University of St. Andrews, EU I3 Hadron Physics Topical
Workshop, UK, August 2004.
Topology, chiral
symmetry breaking and confinement at large N
- DESY Zeuthen, HU Berlin/DESY Zeuthen Joint Seminar, Germany,
December 2003.
The overlap Dirac operator as a continued fraction
- University of Edinburgh, EPCC, Workshop on Numerical Analysis
and Lattice QCD, UK, June 2003.
Glueball masses from isotropic and anisotropic FP actions
- DESY Zeuthen, Theory Seminar, Berlin, Germany, 29 October 2002.
Topology and chiral symmetry breaking in SU(N) gauge theories
- University of Glasgow, Theory Seminar, UK, 27 November 2002,
- University of California, San Diego, HEP Seminar, USA, 2 July 2002,
- University of Wuppertal, Seminar zur Theoretischen Teilchenphysik, Germany, 13 June 2002,
- University of Edinburgh, Particle Physics Seminar, UK, 3 May 2002,
- University of Wales Swansea, Particle Theory Group Seminar, UK, 14 February 2002.
Implementations of the overlap Dirac operator
- University of Dublin, Trinity College, School of Mathematics, Computational Applied Mathematics Seminar, Ireland, 21 November 2001.
Lattice QCD with FP actions
- University of Southampton, SHEP Friday Seminars, UK, 2 November 2001.
FP actions: Scaling properties and glueball masses
- Oxford University, Particles and Fields Seminar, UK, 3 May 2001,
- University of Liverpool, High Energy Theory Group Seminar, UK, 25
October 2000.