Urs Wenger

Invited Seminars and Talks

Classically perfect gradient flows

Advances in lattice applications for the next generation of QCD ensembles

Nested sampling for gauge theories

Update on the hadronic vacuum polarization from the ETMC

Unfreezing topology with nested sampling

Machine learning renormalization group actions

Machine learning a fixed point action with convolutional neural networks

Temporal factorization of the Wilson fermion determinant and multi-level integration

Selected results on the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon from ETMC

Heavy-dense QCD at fixed baryon number without a sign problem

Transfer matrices and temporal factorization of the Wilson fermion determinant

Canonical formulation of fermionic quantum field theories on the lattice

Pion-pole contribution to hadronic light-by-light scattering in the muon g-2 from lattice QCD

Heavy-dense QCD at fixed baryon number without a sign problem

Wie viel wiegt ein Proton? Und wie schwer ist das Universum?

Canonical formulation of fermionic quantum field theories

The Schwinger model in the canonical formulation

The Hubbard model in the canonical formulation

Supersymmetric field theories on the lattice - avoiding the sign problem in the canonical formulation

Wie viel wiegt ein Proton? Und wie schwer ist das Universum?

Lattice QCD computations for low energy particle physics

Solution of the sign problem in the Potts model at fixed fermion number

Supersymmetric SU(N) Yang-Mills QM - Canonical simulations at fixed fermion number

Review of lattice results for low-energy particle physics

Canonical simulations of heavy-dense QCD without a sign problem

Solution of the sign problem in the Potts model at fixed baryon number

Gauge theories at finite fermion density: avoiding the sign problem in the canonical formulation

The sign problem in supersymmetric field theories on the lattice

From QCD to supersymmetry, and back again

From QCD to spin models - The scientific legacy of Peter Hasenfratz

Canonical simulations of supersymmetric SU(N) Yang-Mills quantum mechanics

Challenges and prospects for Lattice QCD

Wie viel wiegt ein Proton?

Loop formulation of supersymmetric Yang-Mills quantum mechanics

Spontaneous supersymmetry breaking on the lattice

Non-perturbative properties of the Standard Model and beyond

Spontaneous supersymmetry breaking and the sign problem

Simulating Wilson fermions without critical slowing down

Spontaneous supersymmetry breaking in the 2d N=1 Wess-Zumino model

Supersymmetry on the lattice: from supersymmetric quantum mechanics to the N=1 Wess-Zumino model

Supersymmetry on the lattice with Wilson fermions

Loop formulation of supersymmetric models on the lattice

Challenges for non-perturbative calculations in QCD on the lattice

On the relevance of the sign problem in supersymmetric models

Wilson Fermions without critical slowing down

Solution of a sign problem by explicit bosonisation

Wilson fermions, vertex models and the solution of a sign problem

The phase diagram of QCD at finite isospin density

From fermions to loop and dimer models

Baryonic matter in the lattice Gross-Neveu model

Lattice QCD with finite baryon and isospin density

Lattice QCD with two light Wilson twisted mass fermions

The canonical approach to finite density QCD

Introduction to lattice QCD algorithms

Chiral Fermions on the Lattice: A Flatlander's Ascent into Five Dimensions

On the connection between overlap and domain wall fermions

Glueballs and k-strings in SU(N) gauge theories

Topology, chiral symmetry breaking and confinement at large N

The overlap Dirac operator as a continued fraction

Glueball masses from isotropic and anisotropic FP actions

Topology and chiral symmetry breaking in SU(N) gauge theories

Implementations of the overlap Dirac operator

Lattice QCD with FP actions

FP actions: Scaling properties and glueball masses